Bravelle and IUI didn't work out. So this cycle I'm back to letrozole, because we wanted to do something, but not spend a lot of money. Husband isn't home a lot, so if we mess up our timing we won't be out a crap-ton of money. Tomorrow I get my mid-cycle ultrasound scan and then they'll tell me when to trigger and our sexytimes schedule.
Today I have decided I'm really going to work on this whole losing 10% of my weight thing (it's been shown that sometimes that jump starts the ole fertility). We'll see how long this manic episode lasts. I'm counting this morning's weight as the beginning of the 10%. So far I ellipticalled to the second half of a Charmed episode (Season 4, Episode 6) and then after Husband left for work I did a 20 minute program with my Google Music Let's Get Physical Playlist.
Today's musical accompaniment:
1. Cadence to Arms - Dropkick Murphys
2. Battleflag - Lo Fidelity Allstars
3. Mi Chico Latino - Gerri Halliwell
4. Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
5. Crazy - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
6. These Things - She Wants Revenge
Now to shower and head to work. I'll probably do some cleaning when I get home. Maybe take the dog for a walk.
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