13 November 2012

Cycle Day 22: The Dentist

First, I'm a big ball of anxiety today, because my cavity is being filled. First time with this particular dentist and he doesn't seem as gentle as the previous one. Ugh!

Our karyotypes came back normal, so that's good I guess. I am getting a little tired of everything coming back "fine" when nothing's working. It would be nice if we could get an ah-ha moment. Oh, so that's why nothing ever works . . . No such luck.

I'm currently waiting for my doc's office to call with yesterday's progesterone and thyroid values. I haven't been consitently doing the progesterone twice a day. So we'll see. But the levothyroxine is every morning like clockwork. Except for the morning I took 2, but that's not so bad.

Yesterday's progesterone was 63 (which is good, because it's above 12), so I guess I can keep doing what I'm doing. My thyroid (TSH) was 3.2, so they're upping me to 1.5 pills of my current stash and calling in a new rx for the higher dose. They want me under 2.5.

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